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๐ŸŽ Daily Rewards Config

Unlimited Adventures utilizes its own, powerful, custom-developed Daily Rewards system. Thanks to this, you can use: up to 4 different reward types, 4 placeholders and 2 variables!

๐Ÿ“ฆ How to change rewards?โ€‹

You can easily add, change or remove rewards from our Daily Rewards system. In order to do so, you need to find the unlimited_adventures/DailyRewards/rewards.yml config file.

4 Types of rewards available:โ€‹

๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold Rewards:โ€‹

In order to add a gold reward, you have to type in: gold [amount], for example: gold 500

๐Ÿ’Ž Gems Rewards:โ€‹

In order to add a gems reward, you have to type in: gems [amount], for example: gems 500

๐Ÿ”จ Item Rewards:โ€‹

In order to add an item reward, you have to type in: [amount] of [item], for example: 5 of iron sword.


Enchantments are also supported: iron sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3

You can even use names!
iron sword named "&6&lPowerful Sword" of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 and unbreaking 3

You can make the item unbreakable:
unbreakable iron sword named "&6&lPowerful Sword" of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 and unbreaking 3

๐Ÿ’ป Command Rewards: You can use commands as rewards, by doing as following:โ€‹

command premiumcurrency PLAYER_NAME add 100

2 Variables available:โ€‹

PLAYER_NAME - the player's nickname.
DAY_NUMBER - the player's daily reward number.

4 Placeholders available:โ€‹

%valiant_dailyrewards_canclaim%This placeholder returns "true", when player has an unclaimed Daily Reward.
%valiant_dailyrewards_timeuntilclaim%This placeholder returns the time left until a player can claim his Daily Reward.
%valaint_dailyrewards_timeuntilexpiration%This placeholder returns the time left until the unclaimed Daily Reward expires and the strike resets.
%valiant_dailyrewards_daynumber%This placeholder returns the Daily Rewards day, the player is at.