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💎 Branding

Unlimited Adventures comes with it's own branding package.
While you can keep using the default textures and logos, it's a good idea to make your server look a bit more unique.
This page will explain how to change the most important branding features of the setup.

Image Description

'ESC' menu logo can be modified using a resource pack.
You can find the texture of the logo in: assets/minecraft/textures/custom/icons/title.png
Edit this texture to change how the logo looks.

I can't draw

If you don't know how to draw your own logo, there are tools that can help you generate your own logo. Click here

Logo Size

The logo can be max. 256x256px big. This is a Minecraft limitation.

If you for some reason want to delete the logo altogether, please go to: assets/minecraft/lang/en_us.json and edit the line to your own custom text, or delete the file altogether to revert default behaviour.


Server description is handled by our custom-made Adventure Core. It can be modified in the unlimited_adventures/AdventureCore/motd (NOT in the plugins/ folder!)

'1': " §x&6&d&d&4&4&4&lUNLIMITED ADVENTURES &f[§x&a&c&e&6&7&31.20.4&f]"
'2': " §x&f&f&c&8&0&0⭐ Ambient Sounds §x&9&0&e&3&4&e🪣 3D Backpacks §x&f&7&4&1&5&4☠ §x&f&7&4&1&5&4Dungeons"


Tablist can be edited in the plugins/TAB/config.yml

enabled: true
- '%animation:ServerName%'
- ''
- ''
- ' &f #31ed96Website:'
- ''
- '%valiant_active_boosters%'
- '%valiant_active_boosters_2%'


Scoreboard(sidebar) can be edited in the plugins/TAB/config.yml

enabled: true
toggle-command: /sb
remember-toggle-choice: true
hidden-by-default: true
use-numbers: false
static-number: 0
delay-on-join-milliseconds: 0
respect-other-plugins: true
title: '%color_server_name%🔔 %animation:ServerName% %color_server_name%🔔'
- ''
- '&f[%color_primary_color%&l%player%&f]'
- ' &fRank: %luckperms_prefix%'
- ' &fGold: %color_gold%%vault_eco_balance_fixed% &f'
- ' &fGems: %color_gems%%valiant_premium_currency% &f'
- ''
- ' {%color_server_name_accent%}'