๐๏ธ Player Badges
We have designed Badges to reward the most ambitious players with a satisfying award.
Progress and unlocked badges can be viewed in the Badges menu.
The total amount of badge levels is displayed below player's name, along with a star icon, for example: 17 โญ
โ How to add new badges?โ
You can easily add new badges by editing the Badges config file:
requirement: statistic_mine_block:STONE
value: 100
requirement: statistic_mine_block:STONE
value: 500
requirement: statistic_mine_block:GRAVEL
value: 100
requirement: statistic_mine_block:SAND
value: 150
Add rewards in the rewards config - unlimited_adventures/Badges/rewards.yml
'1': command eco give PLAYER_NAME 100
'1': command eco give PLAYER_NAME 150
'1': command eco give PLAYER_NAME 200
'1': command eco give PLAYER_NAME 250
Set the badge messages in unlimited_adventures/Badges/messages.yml
your_badge_level_up: "ยงx&f&f&e&8&1&7&lBadges โถ ยงx&3&1&e&d&9&6Your Badge is now: LEVEL Badge!"
your_badge_badge_level: "ยงx&f&f&e&8&1&7&lBadges โถ LEVEL Your Badge"
โ๏ธ Editing badgesโ
โ๏ธ How to change Badge requirements?โ
To change the badge requirements, go to:
In there, you can modify various badge categories and their levels.
Please notice that badges use placeholders to reliably track player's progress.
You can find a rich list with a lot of placeholders here.
(Please note that some of them require you to install them with /papi ecloud download name
๐ฆ How to change Badge rewards?โ
You can easily change the badge rewards. To do it, head to:
In there, you can modify the rewards for different badge categories and tiers.
4 Types of rewards available:โ
๐ฐ Gold Rewards:โ
In order to add a gold reward, you have to type in:
gold [amount]
, for example: gold 500
๐ Gems Rewards:โ
In order to add a gems reward, you have to type in:
gems [amount]
, for example: gems 500
๐จ Item Rewards: In order to add a gold reward, you have to type in:โ
[amount] of [item]
, for example: 5 of iron sword
Enchantments are also supported:
iron sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3
You can even use names!
iron sword named "&6&lPowerful Sword" of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 and unbreaking 3
You can make the item unbreakable:
unbreakable iron sword named "&6&lPowerful Sword" of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 and unbreaking 3
๐ป Command Rewards:โ
You can use commands as rewards, by doing as following:
command premiumcurrency PLAYER_NAME add 100